Intelligent solution
Engineering Projects
  • Tel:(0757)81239712 81239767、(020)87545015
  • Fax:(0757)86326077
  • QQ:467631105、184773933
  • 微信公众号:广东能兴科技发展有限公司
  • Add:No. 2 C of Guangdong Province, Nanhai District of Foshan City, Guicheng Han day science and technology city B1 District 6 floor
Wisdom Education
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Business presentation 
The company relies on research cooperation platform, and actively participate in the new information technology theory research, with many domestic universities, system integrators in cloud computing, big data analysis and networking, interactive touch, wireless transmission and multimedia production and other fields to carry out close cooperation, develop all kinds of new media teaching, dedicated to software services to enhance the application value display equipment the. Company to wisdom education cloud services platform, focused on the education sector integrated machine, digital signage, a passenger, VR system equipment, recording system development and integration, development and operation of the content of value-added services, the construction of ecological wisdom education system. Through the "hardware + software + services + content" comprehensive competition model, the company is developing into China's advanced intelligent education integrated solutions provider and data service provider.